If you like to spend your free time with a few cold beers, a good friend, and a great fishing venue, we have some great advice for winter fishing in Australia, which is actually a good time of year to cast out your lines. While many anglers put away their tackle in May, June, and July, they are very productive months if you know where to fish. Here is a brief guide to the common species that are found during the Australian winter in certain locations.
New South Wales
Trawling strips of Tuna over the coastal reefs are a great way to entice a big Snapper, while pilchards are also a top bait for the Snapper. At this time of year, Australian Salmon and Tailor congregate off the Sydney coast, making for excellent fishing, while Luderick are found in the estuaries and close to the rocks, with green weed on the float being the best set up. If you’re in need of a quality fishing tackle, Zenaq jigging rods are available from the online fishing equipment supplier, who also has everything else you might need for winter fishing.
Winter fishing in Victoria can bring you Black Bream in the estuaries, while Mullet and Garfish are also in abundance at this time of the year. Float fishing with a pudding bait always gets results, and Gummy Sharks frequent Western Port if you want to use some attractive lures. Fishing off one of the many piers or wharves is very popular during the winter, using a small running down sinker onto a bait of shrimp or squid, and expect to see others doing this in the rough weather, which is the feeding time for Bream, Salmon Trout, Flounder, Whiting, and Garfish.

South Australia
Large schools of Whiting can be found in Adelaide waters, plus Salmon Trout and Snapper, which can be very big, so tackle up accordingly. North Haven, West Beach, and Hallet Cove are all great venues for Snapper, Garfish, and Trout, while on the York Peninsula, Marion Bay and Corney Point are excellent for Snapper, using Whiting heads as bait. Australian Salmon usually head for Brown’s Beach and Berry Bay in June and July, with whole pilchards the most effective bait of them all.
Western Australia
The elusive Pink Snapper is found in the shallow waters. In stormy conditions, they come right in close to the shore, allowing you to beach cast. Using squid or Whiting heads should give you a few prime catches, and if you can cast out far enough, you might land some King George Whiting, especially using solid lures.

Winter fishing in Australia is comfortable, due to the mild temperatures and there are many species of fish that are active from May to August, so get your tackle ready and prepare for some tight lines. If you are in need of a new rod, reel, or line, search online for a quality fishing equipment supplier who would offer the best tackle at the lowest prices.